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Proximus enterprise

24/7 digital access and analysis with MyProximus Enterprise.


A clear layout that’s easy to assess.


A clear connection between your contract’s products and your invoice.


Invoices covering the first to the last day of the calendar month.

What to expect:

calendar month 

Invoices by

A new mobile contract, a new billing system. From now on, your monthly bill will arrive slightly earlier or later than usual.

The account number doesn’t change
The Proximus account number doesn’t change. We recommend that you pay your invoice via an automatic direct debit mandate. Your contact person will be happy to help you with this.

Delivery stays the same
Nothing changes, in principle, with regard to sending you your invoice.

Additional information page
It is possible that your invoice is supplemented by an additional information page containing explanations of rate plans and legal specifications. 

No details of conversations
Details of conversations will no longer be listed on the updated invoice. If you do wish to consult these, this can be done on request.  

Third-party costs
If costs have been incurred by third parties, they are indicated on a separate statement. This is not an invoice, because these costs are always to be billed including VAT.  

All invoiced costs are net, as agreed in your contract.

This shows the total amount excluding VAT, the VAT owed and the total amount including VAT. You’ll also find any corrections via credit note here. The cover also lists the latest payment date and the account number to which this invoice should be paid.

In the new billing system you are assigned a different customer number. The numbering of the invoices also changes. Both the new customer number and the invoice number are on the top left. 

Your own details and your VAT number are also shown in this area, as well as the applicable references. 

New customer and invoice number

As soon as your new mobile contract takes effect, the monthly invoice also becomes different. It consists of 3 parts:

The invoice consists of 3 parts

What you should also know 

The invoice at a different time

Not only does the updated invoice have a new look, the period listed on it is changed and always starts on the first day of the month. In addition, you can find the mobile contract to which it is linked on your invoice.

Your subscription and your (extra) usage will be billed from the first day to the last day of the previous month on the new invoice. So the invoice for October will include all the costs from the month of September. 


The old invoice with a billing period of 1 month.


The last invoice you receive in the old layout covers a shorter period and so is lower than normal. Consider it a closing invoice.  


One clear invoice per full calendar month that can be consulted online anytime, anywhere in MyProximus.

24/7 digital access and analysis with MyProximus Enterprise.

A clear layout that’s easy to assess.

A clear connection between your contract’s products and your invoice.


Invoices covering the first to the last day of the calendar month.


What to expect:


A new mobile contract, a new billing system. From now on, your monthly bill will arrive slightly earlier or later than usual.

calendar month 

Invoices by

Additional information page
It is possible that your invoice is supplemented by an additional information page containing explanations of rate plans and legal specifications. 

No details of conversations
Details of conversations will no longer be listed on the updated invoice. If you do wish to consult these, this can be done on request.  

Delivery stays the same
Nothing changes, in principle, with regard to sending you your invoice.

The account number doesn’t change
The Proximus account number doesn’t change. We recommend that you pay your invoice via an automatic direct debit mandate. Your contact person will be happy to help you with this.

Third-party costs
If costs have been incurred by third parties, they are indicated on a separate statement. This is not an invoice, because these costs are always to be billed including VAT.  

All invoiced costs are net, as agreed in your contract.

What you should also know 


The old invoice with a billing period of 1 month.

The cover page 
The overview page 

The invoice at a different time

The detail pages 

Not only does the updated invoice have a new look, the period listed on it is changed and always starts on the first day of the month. In addition, you can find the mobile contract to which it is linked on your invoice.

Your subscription and your (extra) usage will be billed from the first day to the last day of the previous month on the new invoice. So the invoice for October will include all the costs from the month of September. 

The invoice consists of 3 parts

As soon as your new mobile contract takes effect, the monthly invoice also becomes different. It consists of 3 parts: