You can easily track any use of data in the MyProximus app. One of the many advantages is that users receive atext message when they are about to exceed their mobile data allowance.

Purchase mobile devices
With the Proximus Joint Offers, you can combine our mobile subscriptions with an attractive device. Moreover, these subscriptions are competitively priced. Choose the desired smartphone for your employees and pay for the device in installments over a predetermined period. At the end of the contract, you become the owner of the device.
How do you avoid a high bill?
Employees often use up their mobile data bundle. If this happens, it’s useful to purchase 'one shot bundles': small, national data bundles that are valid for one month after activation. By the way, did you know that you can use shared data bundles to spread data usage over different users?
Choose a customized solution: your employees don't exceed their limit
Every employee in your company has specific requirements when using their smartphone. Some colleagues use their phone extensively for calling customers, while others prefer text messages and online communication. With a solution tailored to your employees, you give each person a mobile subscription to suit their activities.

As a user, choose your roaming option yourself and activate it immediately via the MyProximus app.

Within the EU you can call, surf and send text messages at the national rate. Did you know that, with the right rate plan, you can also call and surf cheaper outside the EU? You get a message when you exceed your data limit, so you never pay too much.
New roaming rates from July 1, 2021
From July 1 you will enjoy new roaming rates with Proximus. For the use of data outside the EU (excluding the exception zone), we are lowering the price to € 0.20/MB. We are doubling all volumes in our existing roaming bundles. The price for data consumption outside the bundle will also be € 0.20/MB and we will adjust the country zones.
A complete overview of the adjusted roaming rates can be found on our website.

Business travel after COVID?
After COVID, many companies are rethinking the usefulness of (expensive) business trips. Travel with added value will be preserved, including the use of new technology to guarantee the safety of travelers. Information through digital channels is increasingly taking precedence, including health and safety information via website or app. Read more
With the right rate plan, your employees can enjoy stress-free travel, even outside the EU
Perhaps your diary regularly includes business trips abroad or your colleagues draw the line between work and home life.
To remain accessible abroad, a laptop, tablet, smartphone and internet connection are indispensable work tools.

Also interesting for you: Split Billing
Some employers prefer to split the professional and private communication costs of their employees (split billing) to better control mobile phone expenses. With Private Use from Proximus ,each party receives their own invoice.
Billing contribution tailored to consumption pattern
You can define different contribution types based on your needs and the consumption pattern of your employees. If a specified limit is not reached, only the used amount will be charged. If the limit is exceeded, then the user directly gets a bill for the balance.
Tax-friendly remuneration alternative
By using the Proximus Budget Manager, you can offer your employees an attractive fringe benefit, with one mobile phone for both professional and private use at business rates. Moreover, this formula is also fiscally interesting for you, since this benefit-in-kind is 100% tax deductible!
Our expert on the use of Budget Manager, the solution that meets the various needs of your employees.

Customized subscriptions

Choose the right rate plan
Control costs

Customized solutions
Control the costs of your mobile telephony
Are you looking for a formula that provides optimal cost control and ensures that you no longer have to block certain usage types? The Proximus Budget Manager provides you with an ideal tool to monitor and limit the costs of mobile telephony in your company.

Choose a customized solution: your employees cannot exceed their limit.
Customized subscriptions

With the right rate plan, your employees can enjoy stress-free travel, even outside the EU.
Choose the right rate plan

Control the costs for mobile telephony and keep them within limits.
Control costs
How do you avoid an increase of your mobile costs?
Maximum mobility for your employees is no longer a luxury, it's a must. However, being available anytime and anywhere can also have an annoying – and especially expensive – side effect, namely an increase in the mobile costs incurred by your employees. During business trips for example, the costs of making international calls and surfing when abroad can quickly increase. How do you avoid unpleasant surprises in terms of financing and budgeting?
The costs are
difficult to keep under control

3 CHallenges:

Purchase mobile devices
With the Proximus Joint Offers, you can combine our mobile subscriptions with an attractive device. Moreover, these subscriptions are competitively priced. Choose the desired smartphone for your employees and pay for the device in installments over a predetermined period. At the end of the contract, you become the owner of the device.

You can easily track any use of data in the MyProximus app. One of the many advantages is that users receive atext message when they are about to exceed their mobile data allowance.

How do you avoid a high bill?
Employees often use up their mobile data bundle. If this happens, it’s useful to purchase 'one shot bundles': small, national data bundles that are valid for one month after activation. By the way, did you know that you can use shared data bundles to spread data usage over different users?
Every employee in your company has specific requirements when using their smartphone. Some colleagues use their phone extensively for calling customers, while others prefer text messages and online communication. With a solution tailored to your employees, you give each person a mobile subscription to suit their activities.
Choose a customized solution: your employees don't exceed their limit

As a user, choose your roaming option yourself and activate it immediately via the MyProximus app.

Business travel after COVID?
After COVID, many companies are rethinking the usefulness of (expensive) business trips. Travel with added value will be preserved, including the use of new technology to guarantee the safety of travelers. Information through digital channels is increasingly taking precedence, including health and safety information via website or app. Read more
Within the EU you can call, surf and send text messages at the national rate. Did you know that, with the right rate plan, you can also call and surf cheaper outside the EU? You get a message when you exceed your data limit, so you never pay too much.
New roaming rates from July 1, 2021
From July 1 you will enjoy new roaming rates with Proximus. For the use of data outside the EU (excluding the exception zone), we are lowering the price to € 0.20/MB. We are doubling all volumes in our existing roaming bundles. The price for data consumption outside the bundle will also be € 0.20/MB and we will adjust the country zones.
A complete overview of the adjusted roaming rates can be found on our website.
Perhaps your diary regularly includes business trips abroad or your colleagues draw the line between work and home life.
To remain accessible abroad, a laptop, tablet, smartphone and internet connection are indispensable work tools.
With the right rate plan, your employees can enjoy stress-free travel, even outside the EU

Also interesting for you: Split Billing
Some employers prefer to split the professional and private communication costs of their employees (split billing) to better control mobile phone expenses. With Private Use from Proximus ,each party receives their own invoice.
Billing contribution tailored to consumption pattern
You can define different contribution types based on your needs and the consumption pattern of your employees. If a specified limit is not reached, only the used amount will be charged. If the limit is exceeded, then the user directly gets a bill for the balance.
Tax-friendly remuneration alternative
By using the Proximus Budget Manager, you can offer your employees an attractive fringe benefit, with one mobile phone for both professional and private use at business rates. Moreover, this formula is also fiscally interesting for you, since this benefit-in-kind is 100% tax deductible!
Are you looking for a formula that provides optimal cost control and ensures that you no longer have to block certain usage types? The Proximus Budget Manager provides you with an ideal tool to monitor and limit the costs of mobile telephony in your company.
Control the costs of your mobile telephony

Customized subscriptions

Choose the right rate plan
Control costs

Customized solutions

Choose a customized solution: your employees cannot exceed their limit.
Customized subscriptions

With the right rate plan, your employees can enjoy stress-free travel, even outside the EU.
Choose the right rate plan

Control the costs for mobile telephony and keep them within limits.
Control costs
How do you avoid an increase of your mobile costs?
Maximum mobility for your employees is no longer a luxury, it's a must. However, being available anytime and anywhere can also have an annoying – and especially expensive – side effect, namely an increase in the mobile costs incurred by your employees. During business trips for example, the costs of making international calls and surfing when abroad can quickly increase. How do you avoid unpleasant surprises in terms of financing and budgeting?
difficult to keep under control
The costs are